How to Install Your Own Travian Private Server: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Install Your Own Travian Private Server: A Step-by-Step Guide

Posted on 2024-06-25 17:02:00


Setting up your own Travian private server can be a rewarding experience, allowing you to customize the game to your liking and play with friends in a controlled environment. This guide will walk you through the entire process, both for Windows and Linux systems.


Before you start, ensure you have the following:

  • A server or VPS with at least 2GB RAM and a stable internet connection.
  • A domain name (optional but recommended for easier access).
  • Basic knowledge of server management.

Step-by-Step Installation for Windows

Step 1: Prepare Your Server

1. Download and install XAMPP, which includes Apache, MySQL, and PHP.

2. Launch XAMPP and start Apache and MySQL modules.

Step 2: Download and Configure Travian Server Files

1. Download Travian server files from a reliable source.

2. Extract the downloaded files to C:\xampp\htdocs\travian.

Step 3: Configure MySQL Database

1. Open phpMyAdmin (http://localhost/phpmyadmin) and create a new database named travian_db.

2. Import the Travian database schema provided with the server files into travian_db.

Step 4: Configure Travian

1. Edit configuration files in C:\xampp\htdocs\travian\config to match your database settings.

2. Ensure the configuration points to localhost with the correct database name, user, and password.

Step 5: Run Your Travian Server

1. Open your browser and go to http://localhost/travian to start your Travian server.

Step-by-Step Installation for Linux

Step 1: Prepare Your Server

1. Update your server to ensure all packages are up-to-date:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

2. Install Apache, MySQL, and PHP:

sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-server php php-mysql libapache2-mod-php php-xml php-mbstring

3. Secure your MySQL installation:

sudo mysql_secure_installation

Step 2: Download and Configure Travian Server Files

1. Download Travian server files from a reliable source and extract them to the web directory:

sudo tar -xzvf travian-server-files.tar.gz -C /var/www/html

2. Set correct permissions:

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html
sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/html

Step 3: Configure MySQL Database

1. Create a database and user:

sudo mysql -u root -p
CREATE USER 'travian_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'your_password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON travian_db.* TO 'travian_user'@'localhost';

2. Import the Travian database schema:

mysql -u travian_user -p travian_db < /path/to/travian-db-schema.sql

Step 4: Configure Travian

1. Edit configuration files:

sudo nano /var/www/html/config/config.php

2. Set up cron jobs for required tasks:

sudo crontab -e

Add the necessary cron jobs as specified in the Travian server documentation.

Step 5: Run Your Travian Server

1. Open your browser and go to http://your_domain_or_ip to start your Travian server.